- Title Name: Success Story
- Requirements: 100 Points for Exercise Hobby
- Transcript:
- Message 1: "Tenant Name lost an impressive amount of weight and wrote a bestseller about it!"
- Dialogue 1: "Hee hee! Look how much weight I've lost. I've actually gained some back, now that I can afford to eat whatever I want!"
- Dialogue 2: "Hmm. Maybe I should lose it again and write another book about it ..."
- Effects: +0.7K in Income
- Title Name: Fashion Show Winner
- Requirements: 100 Points for Fashion Hobby
- Transcript:
- Message 1: "Tenant Name's avant-garde style took the fashion show by storm!"
- Dialogue 1: "On the day of the fashion show, I was so nervous that I put my clothes on backward!"
- Dialogue 2: "And everyone raved about my cutting-edge fashion!"
- Effects: +0.7K in Income
- Title Name: Sublime Singer
- Requirements: 100 Points for Music Hobby
- Transcript:
- Message 1: "Tenant Name enthralled audience and judges alike with a winning performance!"
- Dialogue 1: "La la la! ♪"
- Dialogue 2: "I was always too shy to sing in front of people, but I'm glad I decided to enter that contest!"
- Dialogue 3: "I'll never stop singing!"
- Effects: +0.7K in Income
- Title Name: Champion Chef
- Requirements: Have a good amount of points for the Cooking Hobby (About 90 ∼ 100 points, approximately).
- Transcript:
- Message 1: "Tenant Name captured the judges' hearts along with first prize!"
- Dialogue 1: "I've always considered myself a decent cook, but being complimented by such a famous chef made my day!"
- Dialogue 2: "I feel unstoppable now! Maybe it's time to move on from salads to something harder!"
- Effects: +0.7K in Income