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Stats (Grand Prix Story)
This article explains in depth how the stats work in Grand Prix Story 2 published by Kairosoft. For this we need to perform certain operations to get the stats results.
Unlike other Kairosoft games, part of the stats for the GPS2 staff are randomized for each player. This can vary several factors in the version of the game.
"So found an odd thing when playing Grand Prix Story, and tried with March to a Million with similar results. Noticing differences between the numbers I had then and now made me think it must have some RNG involved, so tried rolling during a recent playthrough, but no changes occurred for the same characters. I also tried seeing if doing a restart on my phone did anything, or with March to a Million, cleared the data and cache, and still had characters appearing with the same stats." - Comment by u/Rhino_Kneel on the Kairosoft Subreddit (2018)
I have been talking to different people in the Kairosoft community, DidNotWantToRegister sent me an album of various profiles of unhired staff in their GPS2 game to verify some statistics. Thank you very much for sending me this resource, the images are available here and were taken from the v2.6.3 version (Android).
"For both our version of Kathy, Strength >>> IQ >>> Tech > Agility > Appeal > Analysis - With the difference between STR, IQ and Tech being very high compared to the difference between the rest. This means that for every game, the staff recommendation for players can still be the same since the level up stats will be in a similar proportion (I have already found that high stat on new staff encounter = high stat on level up)." - Comment by DidNotWantToRegister on the Kairosoft Wiki (2024)
We compare based on the initial statistics of the drivers, one thing to note is that at no time did we hire these drivers or mechanics to try to calculate exactly the proportionality of the data given in two different GPS2 games.
"By the way, I recorded 16 level ups for Ukyo Pajama, and the average stat up per level (STR/AGL/TEC/IQ/ANLYS/APPL) was 1.5/4.875/4.875/3.75/4/2.563 which is equal to 7.0%/22.6%/22.6%/17.4%/18.6%/11.9% of the total average stat up for Ukyo Pajama (21.563 points per level). From your screenshot of Ukyo Pajama, he seems to be at level 5 with 251 total stats, with a proportion of 6.4%/21.9%/23.1%/19.1%/18.3%/11.2%. So you can see that the level up stat proportion and the initial stat proportion are very similar (mostly within 1%)." - Comment by DidNotWantToRegister on the Kairosoft Wiki (2024)
Getting the Stats
I have obtained the data of these examples through several screenshots of my GPS2 game on my phone. Additionally to verify I received the help of DidNotWantToRegister and they provided me with additional screenshots of the rest of the unhired staff in his game.
Many thanks to matcap for providing with statistical information on the r/kairosoft Discord server to better verify and precise the information.
In this case we will take Kathy's stats from my game represented as “Stats A” and the stats from DidNotWantToRegister's game as “Stats B”, while the data obtained by matcap is represented as “Stats C”. We find the totals:
Total Stats A = 212 + 73 + 95 + 156 + 41 + 67 = 644
Total Stats B = 138 + 51 + 64 + 64 + 108 + 26 + 41 = 428
Total Stats C = 183+ 63 + 68+ 133 + 33 + 54 = 534
Then we find the percentage:
Stats A
Stats B
Stats C
STR: (212 / 644) * 100 = 32.92%
AGI: (73 / 644) * 100 = 11.34%
TEC: (95 / 644) * 100 = 14.75%
IQ: (156 / 644) * 100 = 24.22%
ANL: (41 / 644) * 100 = 6.37%
APPL: (67 / 644) * 100 = 10.40%
STR: (138 / 428) * 100 = 32.24%
AGI: (51 / 428) * 100 = 11.92%
TEC: (64 / 428) * 100 = 14.95%
IQ: (108 / 428) * 100 = 25.23%
ANL: (26 / 428) * 100 = 6.07%
APPL: (41 / 428) * 100 = 9.58%
STR: (183 / 534) * 100 = 34.27%
AGI: (63 / 534) * 100 = 11.80%
TEC: (68 / 534) * 100 = 12.74%
IQ: (133 / 534) * 100 = 24.91%
ANL: (33 / 534) * 100 = 6.18%
APPL: (54 / 534) * 100 = 10.11%
Finding the difference in results
Well after we have already found the percentage of each stats, we have to subtract to see how much difference there is between the three games. In this case the difference is sometimes 1% in some games, where some stats vary based on a percentage, i.e. sometimes some players will have a little more stats randomly or sometimes less, but that variation is about 1% in the vast majority of cases by which you can narrow down stats of some staffs of GPS2.
A-B: 32.92−32.24=0.68
A-C: 32.92−34.27=−1.35
B-C: 32.24−34.27=−2.03
Mean: (0.68−1.35−2.03) / 3 = −0.9
A-B: 11.34−11.92=−0.58
A-C: 11.34−11.80=−0.46
B-C: 11.92−11.80=0.12
Mean: (−0.58−0.46+0.12) / 3 = −0.31
A-B: 14.75−14.95=−0.20
A-C: 14.75−12.74=2.01
B-C: 14.95−12.74=2.21
Mean: (−0.20+2.01+2.21) / 3 = 1.34
A-B: 24.22−25.23=−1.01
A-C: 24.22−24.91=−0.69
B-C: 25.23−24.91=0.32
Mean: (−1.01−0.69+0.32) / 3 = −0.46
A-B: 6.37−6.07=0.30
A-C: 6.37−6.18=0.19
B-C: 6.07−6.18=−0.11
Mean: (0.30+0.19−0.11) / 3 = 0.13
A-B: 10.40−9.58=0.82
A-C: 10.40−10.11=0.29
B-C: 9.58−10.11=−0.53
Mean: (0.82+0.29−0.53) / 3 = 0.19
Finding the middle value
We find the mean of the two values, add them together and then divide by 2.
STR: (32.92+32.24+34.27)/3 = 33.14%
AGI: (11.34+11.92+11.80)/3 = 11.69%
TEC: (14.75+14.95+12.74)/3 = 14.15%
IQ: (24.22+25.23+24.91)/3 = 24.79%
ANL: (6.37+6.07+6.18)/3 = 6.21%
APPL: (10.40+9.58+10.11)/3 = 10.03%
Approximate the values
Well, now that we have the mean of the values, we approximate because we don't really need the decimals and only need the integer values.
Final Result for Kathy: STR (33%) + AGI (12%) + TEC (14%) + IQ (25%) + ANL (6%) + APPL (10%) = 100%